Our organic fruit now available in dominican Santiago

As mentioned in our latest news article, a considerable amount of fruit and vegetables has already been harvested in the future eco-centre in the Dominican Republic. So where are we headed with such good organic fruit?

The first stop was the city of Santiago de los Caballeros which is just about an hour away. In comparison to smaller Dominican towns, there is a growing demand for organic products there. The established bar Mercato also sells all kinds of organic food products in addition to fresh cocktails and brewed coffee. In collaboration with the managers, we have agreed on a launch of sales at the beginning of July -- our selection depended on what the season had to offer.

We supplied them with plantains as well as the Cavendish banana variety, limes and papayas in addition to vegetables comprising aubergines, pumpkins, beetroots, broad beans, pigeon peas and manioc. On this special day, part of our BioTropic team was, of course, present: Maria Eugenia Valerio, Melissa Schank, Carlos Reyes and Volker Schmidt.

With Mercato, the Dominican BioTropic team has come closer to its goal to encourage and promote organic agricultural farming and regionality as everyday reality. We are keen to see the reaction to organic fruit in the big city and shall keep you up to date.

Tags: Dominican Republic (GB), Ecological Centre "Cibao" (GB), Volker Schmidt (GB)
