Morocco – Visiting before the harvest

While it is slowly getting colder in Europe, October announces the beginning of the high season at PBS (Primeurs Biologiques du Souss) in Morocco. Then is a good time to visit our bio-producers Lahcen El Hjouji there. So, our French operations manager Odile Bouron and our agricultural engineer Mauro Finotti from Italy set off. Odile is responsible for running production between PBS and BioTropic, whilst Mauro is responsible for quality assurance and harvest planning. In the group that set out there was also BioTropic employee Willem Bakker and several European fruit and vegetable wholesalers that BioTropic work with.

The visitors had a lot to discover at PBS. This year, the following are being cultivated in five greenhouses with a total of 140ha: courgettes, peppers (red, yellow, chilli and ramiro), cucumbers (country and snake), tomatoes (round and cherry) and Hokkaido pumpkins.
A further five greenhouses are planted with bananas (for local markets) with regard to the alternating crop rotation or are empty for recovery purposes.

In addition to the greenhouses, there is also a smaller production on open land -- this season courgettes are being planted in the fields.

The majority of vegetable crops are home-grown at PBS and are not bought in addition, as is often the case. In the young plant nurseries, women deal with the sowing and pricking -- they need to be particularly tactful when doing this work. In the image on the right, for example, tomato plants are being grafted. During this process, hygienic conditions are very important.

The pepper harvest has already begun and the first load is already on its way to Europe. In the high season, which runs from October to May, around 450 employees work on the PBS farms and in our own packing station. The whole harvest is washed, packaged and finally shipped to the warehouse. This central sales management ensures a consequent check of the organic quality, because only organic vegetables are prepared at PBS.

Tags: Bananas (GB), Cherry tomatoes (GB), Cucumbers (GB), Pumpkins (GB), Cucumbers (GB), Morocco (GB), Mauro Finotti (GB), Odile Bouron (GB), Peppers (GB), PBS (GB), Tomatoes (GB), Willem Bakker (GB), Courgettes (GB)
