🎬 Film: Journey to the Ivory Coast

Here you’ll find a short film about our journey to the Ivory Coast in May 2018. We get organic pineapples, mangos, and coconuts from the local producer group Ivoire Organics.

Film: Journey to the Ivory Coast

To give an impression of how practical organic farming functions together with local development work in the Ivory Coast, we, along with a few clients, took a trip to the area under cultivation.

The film shows the origin of the fruit which later end up on display in our organic markets. It also shows how many people in the Ivory Coast are actively involved in the organic fruit supply chain.

Filming and cutting: Regina Kerz
Text updates: Visnja Malesic
Version from: August 2018


Together with the locals, we established a functioning organic farming infrastructure in the Ivory Coast. Resource-efficient farming combined with modern technology as well as socially responsible jobs offer people in the area a secure future prospect with a chance for growth.
The project started in 2008 in the context of a Public Private Partnership-scheme.


Travel report Ivory Coast 2018 (PDF):

Our marketing colleagues tried to capture everything in images and words for you—this takes you to our detailed travel report:

Travel report (PDF) 

Tags: Pineapple (GB), Ivory Coast (GB), Coconut (GB), Mangos (GB), Film, Movie, Trave report

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