As quality control manager Alfred Haase has a diverse range of tasks to fulfil. He came across ecological agriculture before he completed his studies in agricultural sciences in Bonn and he identified it as being a sustainable and meaningful approach to agriculture. Since then Alfred Haase has been working in the organic sector for many years and is an old hand in the business.
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Dick Troost is the operations manager of the BioTropic office in the Netherlands. He is responsible for buying and selling as well as personnel management.
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Doris Thewes was confronted with traditional pesticides during her training as an ornamental plants gardener – she did not think that this could be healthy. During her horticultural studies she visited an organic farm. „The pig sty did not stink, but had a pleasant aroma. Hedges were planted in the middle of the field, to enable birds and useful animals to search out and eat pests.“ A practical term spent in the South Tirol taught her many new things about organic farming. It is the same for plants as with people: if you eat well and get a lot of exercise, you are less susceptible to disease.
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The engineer in agricultural economics originally comes from Cameroon. He joined Bio Tropic after graduating from the University of Kassel. He manages projects and maintains relationships with suppliers in the following countries: Burkina Faso, The Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, and in Sri Lanka too. He is supported by his colleague Messan N’ditsi, an agricultural engineer specialising in tropical agriculture.
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Lisbeth Mora is the contact for the BioTropic subsidiary in Costa Rica. She monitors the fruit qualities of the local BioTropic producers and ensures that all the points in the value chain are well organised and well managed. This also includes completing export papers, conducting regular meetings with organic farmers and coordinating schedules with her colleagues in Duisburg.
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As a trained agricultural engineer, Mauro Finotti is an expert in quality management at BioTropic. As well as land management and cultivation planning, his activities also include consultancy and visiting producers worldwide ‒ and being a new partner with whom BioTropic could work.
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Organic fruits and vegetables – Odile Bouron was born into it, as she says herself with a laugh. She grew up as the daughter of a pioneer in organic farming in France and has worked in this industry for more than twenty years now. She has followed the development and growth of the various European markets, with regard to both production and sales.
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Pernille Kroyer Dynesen was born in Denmark, but has been living in Spain since 1984 and is well acquainted with the country and its people.
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Ronald Vianen has been working in the fruit and vegetable trade for several decades. In 2001, he established the office in The Netherlands as a BioTropic employee, and has remained the operational manager of the Dutch office ever since. In 2016, he created the BioTropic subsidiary in Spain, together with his colleague, Pernille Krøyer Dynesen.
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The operations manager Sascha Suler at the HQ in Duisburg has been with BioTropic since the start. Since then, he has gathered extensive expertise in the fruit and vegetable trade. His area of specialisation lies in the buying and selling of bananas.
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Volker Schmidt had already been dealing with exotic fruits throughout his study of Tropical Agriculture in Witzenhausen, Germany. Afterwards, the multilingual agricultural engineer went to Italy and gained a lot of practical experience in a cooperative society and later as a seller in organic agriculture there. As operations manager, he was tasked with building up the Italian BioTropic office. In 2001, a BioTropic office was opened in the Dominican Republic in order to allow us to communicate more directly with the producers. When asked whether he would like to lead the office, Volker Schmidt said yes; the challenge really appealed to him.
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