Doris Thewes

Doris Thewes was confronted with traditional pesticides during her training as an ornamental plants gardener – she did not think that this could be healthy. During her horticultural studies she visited an organic farm. „The pig sty did not stink, but had a pleasant aroma. Hedges were planted in the middle of the field, to enable birds and useful animals to search out and eat pests.“ A practical term spent in the South Tirol taught her many new things about organic farming. It is the same for plants as with people: if you eat well and get a lot of exercise, you are less susceptible to disease.
„Our German-Italian team maintains close contact to production throughout Italy and chooses producers directly on the ground.
We advise the producers with cultivation planning and support their production operations. Our proximity to the farms enables us to conduct a comprehensive and thorough quality inspection providing total transparency. With our efficient logistics set-up we guarantee to supply our customers with fresh and safe organic produce from Italy every day.“
What she likes about her work is that every step can be followed, from the crop planning to the consumption of the end product.
In her free time she makes wine and enjoys working in the vineyard and in the garden. That is the best way to relax after the pressures of the fast-moving fruit and vegetable trade.
Contact person operations manager Italy:
Doris Thewes
T +39 0547 63 45 11
F +39 0547 63 45 30
M +39 335 21 24 30