Worldwide guidance by our BioTropic Agricultural Engineers

We at Bio Tropic simply just don't purchase any sort of bio fruit and vegetables. It is important for us to get to know our producers locally and to look after them later on a regular basis whether they are professionally organised like some Italian family run bio businesses or even smaller producers with only 3 hectares of available land. We have known most of our producers for a number of years, and so over a period of time a working partnership has developed.
One of our agricultural engineers is Togolese Messan N’ditsi who is mainly operative on the Ivory Coast and has been a part of the BioTropic team since 2016. '' Phytosanitary germ control/checks'' or fungal morphology are not unknown to him. He is in the process of optimising pineapple cultivation on the Ivory Coast involving extensive trials related to plant protection and soil fertility. He travels to the country regularly to take samples, to make comparisons and to think out solutions to cultivation problems with other specialists as recently undertaken with Heinz-Peter Christiansen.
Whilst Messan N’ditsi maintains sight over scientific technical components, Doris Thewes's assignment is two-fold. As operational manager at the Italian branch of Bio Tropic, she is a studied horticultural engineer with equal competence in business matters. She is able to offer valuable support in conversations with producers regarding the topics of organic farming and economy. A major part of our agricultural engineers is out and about in this kind of two-fold operative function.
This knowledge also further assists those producers who ask themselves about which direction they should take and how they must develop themselves in order to remain in global competition. On account of our worldwide networking and comparison facilities, our agricultural engineers are able to give valuable assistance on decision making.
Text: Visnja Malesic
Bilder: BioTropic GmbH
Stand: Juni 2017
Tags: Doris Thewes (GB), Ivory Coast (GB), Messan N’ditsi (GB)