Cameroonian Jesuit writes a book about AIDS

How did it come about and why are we reporting about it? The Cameroonian Jesuit priest and author Harris Cleaver Tombi was managing the HIV / AIDS education workshop at Ivoire Organics at the time, which was run as part of the PPP.

The priest was also an advisor in a hospital in Abidjan at the time and there he made the acquaintance of many people and heard of their fate. Their personal stories drove Harris Cleaver Tombi to write down possible approaches to finding a solution to the AIDS problem in a book entitled,'Prévenir le VIH/Sida en Afrique subsaharienne -- Pour un engagement responsable du malade' (Prevention of HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa -- A responsible approach to treating people infected with HIV). Amongst other things he is convinced that education has to be adapted to take the cultural and social customs of the population into account.

BioTropic and Ivoire Organics supported the Jesuit priest financially and they are pleased that it has been possible to publish the book at long last.

The priest with many interests is not only an author, as he has studied veterinary biology and philosophy. At present, he is devoting himself to studying Bioethics and Theology in Madrid, Spain.

The book has been written in French only and may be ordered here.

And lastly a small anecdote: the Jesuit priest is an old school friend of our Africa project manager Kuemkwong Siemefo. After having lost contact many years ago, they met up again in Abidjan.

Tags: Ivory Coast (GB), Ivoire Organics (GB), Kuemkwong Siemefo (GB), PPP (GB)

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